Wednesday 21 October 2020

SAP FIORI Types of Extensions

FIORI User Interface extensibility can help modify SAP Fiori standard applications as per customer’s needs without altering their source code.

To enable extensions, SAP has provided extension points in the standard code of the application which can be used to customize the apps.

There are four properties which can be used to extend the standard FIORI application– 
  • Sap.ui.viewExtensions: It provides custom view content at a specified extension in standard SAP delivered application. User can add new fields or images at extension points.
  • Sap.ui.viewModifications: This is used for overriding certain control properties of SAP-delivered application. The user can use it to modify, hide or show the existing element.
  • Sap.ui.viewReplacements:  This is used for replacing standard SAP-delivered view with custom view. User can use this property if there is no extension point provided and build a separate view with the required modifications.
  • Sap.ui.controllerExtensions: Replacing standard SAP-delivered application controller with custom controller. User can change the business logic using this property if required.

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